Recette en vidéo : sabayon chaud et froid aux fruits de la passion

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Recette du mois : Filet de sandre avec Jus de Homard, haricots verts, morilles, homard

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Recette du mois : couronne de cochon de lait avec Jus de Poulet, pickles, haricots plats, pommes paille

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Recette du mois : bar de ligne rôti sur peau, endives caramélisées à l’orange, sauce à l’encre seiche

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Soupe glacée de concombre aux scampis, Folle de tomate et King Crabe.

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Recette du mois : brochette d’écrevisses et tomates confites en tempura, Andalouse gastronomique

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Le Château de Strainchamps
Rue des Vennes, 29 - Luxembourg 6637 Fauvillers
Tel : +32 | Fax : +32 63/60.12.28 | Email : contact
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