Crémeux de Saurtilège, cristaux de couleurs, sauce à la vanille

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Recette du mois : meunière d’ailes de raie, pommes de terre écrasées au lait battu

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Entrée : gâteau de chevreuil et noix de Saint-Jacques épicées au Massala.

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Crêpes farcies de mousse au chocolat, poire rôtie et crème anglaise au moka

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Second plat : papillote de cabillaud, saucisse, poireaux et poivrons.

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Premier plat : brochettes de scampis et saucisses de porc fermier en tempura, concentré de poivrons

Nature being quite near, many walks are accessible from the” Château de Strainchamps”.  The three hectares park of the” Château de Strainchamps” is also inviting you for a walk.There are also many attractions  in the surrounding villages. Check them out. 

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Le Château de Strainchamps
Rue des Vennes, 29 - Luxembourg 6637 Fauvillers
Tel : +32 | Fax : +32 63/60.12.28 | Email : contact
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